Salary Certificate in UAE : Here is How You Can Get it

The United Arab Emirates is one of the best countries in the world to live and work in right now. Considering that the majority of the population in UAE consists of expats and immigrants you need a variety of documents like a salary certificate to get things like a bank account or a home lease etc.

From renting a house to getting a credit card, almost all official work requires a salary certificate in UAE, and the process to get this certificate is fairly simple and easy. In this guide, we will explain to you what exactly is a Salary Certificate UAE, what you may need it for, and how you can get it.

What is a Salary Certificate in UAE?

A salary certificate is an official document issued by the company or business you work for and it acts as proof that you are actually employed by that company. It contains all the relevant information pertaining to your job, like your designation in the company, your current employment status and salary, etc.

To get a salary certificate you have to ask the relevant authorities in your company as it is not automatically issued. Normally it is the HR department that issues the certificate in most companies and the certificate contains the necessary information proving your employment status and income.

What are the Salary Certificate requirements in UAE?

As per UAE labor laws, there are no official requirements for a salary certificate and unless one asks for it, most companies don’t provide it. To get the certificate you don’t really require anything as long as you have current active employment with the company.

UAE Salary Certificate Process explained in detail

To simply get the salary certificate you write an application and submit it to the relevant department in your company, which is usually the HR and they will issue the certificate in a few working days. However, before they issue it, they may ask for the reason you are getting it and verify it.

Generally, it is a very simple procedure and it usually takes an HR department 3 to 5 business days to issue a salary certificate if one is requested by an employee.

Information that can be found on a Salary Certificate in the UAE

The salary certificate contains a plethora of information about the employee and the company that is issuing the certificate and it is the information that the company can share publicly and may be needed for whatever purpose you are getting the certificate.

Here are some of the key information that needs to be on the certificate for it to be considered proper.

  • At the top of the certificate, you will almost always find the Company Letterhead as most of the time the certificate is printed on company stationery and if not the letterhead, then it will have a company stamp.
  • Next, the certificate needs to have all the relevant Employee Details like an identification number, date of joining, current job status, designation in the company, and whether he is a full-time or part-time employee. 
  • Next, it needs to have the Company Details that employ said employee. These details include a Company Registration Number (CRN), an official address for the company along with contact details.
  • It also needs to have complete Salary Details of the employee to whom the certificate is being issued. These details include information about basic salary, additional allowances like housing or transport allowance, and a net salary after any deductions have been made.
  • Lastly, it needs to have a Company Seal or signature to show that it is an official verified document issued by the company is legit, and can be used for the purpose it is issued.

An important thing to remember is that there is no fixed pattern for a salary certificate in UAE and different companies issue it in different ways. But all of them will have at least this basic information if not more that your employer may deem important.

Where you might use a Salary Certificate UAE?

You may be asked to produce a salary certificate in a number of different places in the UAE. Here is a list of the most common places where a Salary Certificate in UAE will come in handy.

  • Banks: Whether you are opening a bank account, getting a credit card, or applying for a loan, you need to show a salary certificate to the bank, so they can determine what kind of services you are eligible for.
  • Renting a House: Renting a house requires signing a lease and more often than not a common stipulation for signing a house is submitting a salary certificate to prove that you can afford the place.
  • Getting a Sponsorship Visa for the Family: A Salary Certificate for Expats is necessary for them in order to get their visa application approved for their families as it proves that they have the means to sustain their family in the UAE.
  • Getting Government Assistance: If you are a UAE citizen and in the job, you have, your salary is not enough to meet your basic needs then you can apply for government assistance. But to get it you need to show in your salary certificate that your income is below a certain threshold.

Getting your Salary Certificate attested via MOFAIC

For a salary certificate issued in UAE to be used outside the country it needs to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFAIC), and here is how you do it in a few simple steps.

  • You start by opening the MOFAIC Website here and finding the individual services option.
  • Next, follow the instructions step by step and submit your certificate along with the verification application.
  • Then pay the AED 150 attestation fee along with a few additional AED for the E-transaction.
  • Now you are all done and just have to wait 2-3 business days to get the certificate attested.

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