What is a UID Number in the UAE and How to Obtain It?

Every country has a unique identification system for the people residing in its boundaries, whether citizens, expats, or simply visitors. The United Arab Emirates is not any different in this regard as it has what is called a Unified Identification Number or UID Number for short.

Today in this guide we will find out who gets this UID Number in UAE, how they get it, what is the importance of this number and where it can be used. We will also find what you can do if you end up with more than one UID number. So here is all you need to know

What is a UAE Unified Number?

The UAE Unified Identification Number is a 9 to 15-digit unique code that is allotted to everyone visiting the country. It is issued to not only those who are in the country on a work or residency visa but also to tourists and those with visit visas and it is part of their immigration documents.

It is issued by the General Directory of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA) and it is used for processing visa applications and issuing Emirates IDs. This number is unique to everyone and stays the same even if you extend your visa or change it from visiting to residency etc.

How can you find your UID Number in UAE online?

The process of finding your UAE Unified Number online is very simple and easy and takes only a few steps which are as follows.

  • First, go to the website of the General Directory of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA) here.
  • Next, enter your personal information as asked on the website. This includes your passport number, date of birth, Nationality, and gender.
  • Next do the security check and click on Submit.
  • By doing so you can find out your UID number online.

In case you cannot find your UID number online then you can manually get it through the office of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA). There is also an office at the DXB Airport Terminal 3 which can help you get the number.

Lastly, the number can also be found on your visa document right above the file number.

How to Get UID Number UAE?

Getting your UID Number in UAE is an automatic process as you get it when you enter the country and here is how it appears from your visa document to your Emirates ID when you come to UAE on a residency or visit visa.

  • Upon your entry into the UAE, you are allotted your UID number by the immigration authority at the port of entry and it includes all of them (airport, seaport, and land crossing). This number automatically appears on your visa and immigration documents.
  • After going through medical testing and applying for a UAE visa it is this UID number that is used to handle all your documentation and when your visa is stamped on your passport this UID number is a part of it.
  • Similarly, when you apply to get your Emirates ID, this number is a part of it whenever you use your ID to receive any kind of service this number is used in the verification process.

Importance of UID Number in UAE

Your UAE UID Number is extremely important as it is not only used in government services and immigration record keeping but also for residential and commercial transactions that you take part in. Here is how it helps you in various ways.

  • Immigration Records: Your UID number is integral in the maintenance and updating of your immigration records during your stay in the UAE.
  • Government Services: Your UID number is crucial in removing bureaucratic hurdles and expediting all kinds of government services that you avail in the UAE. These services can range anywhere from getting health insurance to applying for permits.
  • Residential and Commercial Transactions: Whether buying a property, leasing it, or conducting any kind of business transaction, your UID number is essential for all legal transactions as it helps with the exchange of information and legal processes.
  • Security and Identity: Each UID number is unique to a person and as such it helps authorities keep track of every individual’s information and to ensure its security.

What do the different numbers in your UID represent?

You may not know this but the different numbers in your UAE unified number are not just randomly generated but actually represent a variety of information. Here is what those numbers mean.

  • Emirate Code: The first three digits on your UID number represent the Emirate that issued your visa. So, for Abu Dhabi it is 101, for Dubai, it is 201, for Sharjah it is 301 and for Ajmain it is 401 and if you get your number from Sharjah or Abu Dhabi it will have a forward slash after these numbers.
  • Year of Issue: The next four numbers represent the year in which your visa was issued.
  • Visa Number: The last 7-9 digits represent your actual visa number or your residency number in the UAE and it is this number that you use when filling in various government forms while residing in the UAE.

How to merge your UID numbers when you have more than one?

Sometimes due to a system error or some other reason, you can be issued more than one UID Number in UAE. There is no need to worry if this happens, but it is important that you promptly get this fixed by merging these numbers and this is how you do it.

  • Gather all the necessary documents that you may need to merge your UID numbers.
  • Visit the nearest General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) and talk to the relevant authorities.
  • You can find the address of the office from this link here.

To get your UAE Unified Number merged you will need to bring the following documents to the GDRFA office.

  • Copy of a Valid Passport.
  • Copy of your Visas (Old and Current).
  • The different UID numbers issued to you along with the documents they are on.

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